Surveillance Products, Online/Offline Systems
License Plate and Face Recognition Cams, Installations, Certifications, and Maintenance, Fire Protection, Self-Contained Offline Building Access Systems, Keycard Systems, Monitored Online Centralized Access Systems

Staffing, Guards, Escort, Transport
Nightguards, Route Patrol Guards, Ground Red Teams, VIP Escort, Global Security Overseas, Clearing Compounds, Restaurants & Bars, Banks & Offices

Top Training, VIPS, Politicians, & Red Teams
Bodyguards and Supplementary Security Staff, Augmented Teams for C-Suite and Political Leadership, Prime Ministers and Presidents in Japan & in Transit.

Top Training, VIPS, Politicians, & Red Teams
Bodyguards and Supplementary Security Staff, Augmented Teams for C-Suite and Political Leadership, Prime Ministers and Presidents in Japan & in Transit.

Staffing, Guards, Escort, Transport
Nightguards, Route Patrol Guards, Ground Red Teams, VIP Escort, Global Security Overseas, Clearing Compounds, Restaurants & Bars, Banks & Offices

Surveillance Products, Online/Offline Systems
License Plate and Face Recognition Cams, Installations, Certifications, and Maintenance, Fire Protection, Self-Contained Offline Building Access Systems, Keycard Systems, Monitored Online Centralized Access Systems
We provide a thorough suite of auditory, augmentative, and actionable cyber security services and maintenance sweeps.
Trust JASEC to meet the modern and evolving threats businesses face in the landscape of information and network technology. Nowhere is the problem growing faster than in Asia, with an average of 9 attacks on most companies and government systems per day in Japan, an undisclosed/unrealized amount in America, and billions of revenue lost a year in both. As your business scales and interacts with the internet, the enemy approaches and attacks, that is a surety. Assure your actual protection, as well as the certifications you need for legal compliance and insurance, PCI, DSS, ISM, SOX, HIPAA and more. Privacy = protection from lawsuit-prone penetration risk.
More information about us
JASEC is a well-established and resource-rich security firm in Japan, serving former Prime Ministers of the country, and executive branch of government, as well as the leading national banks and executives from the top 5 Japan corporations, the police and federal prosecutors, as well as INTERPOL in counterterrorism and cyber security and border initiatives.
JASEC also conducts routine security and guard shifts for small and medium businesses, bars, restaurants, hotels, offices ; as well as installation of surveillance systems of the cutting edge monitoring tech. JASEC private investigation and private and competitive intelligence services have the highest success rate and client base in Japan, and its red teams are world-class and special force military grade and experienced at revealing vulnerabilities and points of weakness.